Freethought Notes – Documented 4/24/2022

How To Break “The Blame Cycle”. “To err is human. To blame someone else… | by Barbara Grace | The Startup | Medium

End the Blame Cycle with Empathy and Validation | Scott Kohner Psychotherapy

Rather, societies typically deprive criminals of human resourcestime, limb, life, or money-which have no relation to the particular
criminal harm.


Consequently, during sentencing, I argued that the best way to “help”
this particular defendant was the distinctive way that criminal justice,
insofar as it meant to “help” defendants at all, characteristically
helped them: not by sending them to some bogus program, but by
punishing them (i argue that punishment and prison is comparable to rehabalititive goals and is equally just as bad as the “bogus” program being referred to). The accused had incurred a “debt to society” (figurative language here, feelings are real) which he
had to repay.

By punishing the defendant, the judge would set things
right between him and the community. The judge said nothing,
instead seemingly coming unstuck in time. His blank,
uncomprehending stare struck me much as the empty look of a
lobotomized bovine: vacant, confused, and unknowing. I had clearly
gone beyond his experience,
and beyond that of most sitting judges at
that time. I suspect that many people fail to understand the concept of
retribution even today
(I understand that concept of retribution, that punishments’ value is rather intrinsic and done regardless of any other goal, it’s definitely possibly comprehendable)

Retribution: The Purposes of Punishment (

Consciously Moving Past Revenge and Retribution –

Humanities | Free Full-Text | Moving Beyond Retribution: Alternatives to Punishment in a Society Dominated by the School-to-Prison Pipeline (

Moving Beyond Retribution: Alternatives to Punishment in a Society Dominated by the School-to-Prison Pipeline – DOAJ

Why You Like What You Like | Science| Smithsonian Magazine

Wealth Guilt: What to Do When Your Child is Ashamed of Your Family’s Wealth (

Is it bad that I feel guilty about being in a well-off family? – Quora


Testimonials – It would be an honor to be a part of your journey in life… (

When Attracting Attention is Not Necessarily Attractive | Psychology Today

I don’t want to share anything with anyone. What does this mean? – Quora

Why do we feel the urge to share things? – Quora

What Makes People Overshare? – WSJ

Why We Feel the Need to Explain Ourselves and Justify Our Choices (

Signs You’re Not Ready for a Relationship (

Why Admitting Your Feelings Is The Strongest Thing You Can Possibly Do | Thought Catalog

Accept the Past, Embrace the Future, and Live in the Present (

Murderers are Human Beings, too. Part 1 | by Chris Thompson | Murderers are Human Beings, too | Medium

What Do You Need Right Now? (

Being Proud of Your Race Doesn’t Make Sense | by Alex the Younger | Student Voices (

Want to Raise Successful Kids? Let Them Fail – CHC Resource Library (

We are not arguing weathor or not it’s real, we are arguing weathor the sanctity of life is an intrinsically good or bad thing.

“Not by Choice but Circumstance” by Gary Hardaway — Fictionaut

We Are Not Our Circumstances: A Lesson About Choice | by Rob Hill | Thrive Global | Medium

You’re a Product of Your Choices Not a Victim of Your Circumstances –   Amy Morin, LCSW (

A Thank You To My Second Family (

What are the limits of learning? | Physics Forums

Isaiah 5:20 Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who turn darkness to light and light to darkness, who replace bitter with sweet and sweet with bitter. (

All Strength Comes From Repetition – Darius Foroux

Repeating breathing therefore repeated living

No healthy level of alcohol consumption, says major study | Alcohol | The Guardian

Peter Suber, “Against the Sanctity of Life” (

Life is intrinsically bad or good. Hopeful/optimistic or not and rather pessmistic

The Sanctity of Life Must Be Opposed – Big Think

Review: The Sanctity of Human Life on JSTOR

How to Find Your Style | A Guide to Discovering Your Personal Style (

How to go from being a loser to being successful – Quora

Get Inspired by These 7 Epic Losers Who Bounced Back From Failure (

15 Things You Need To Be Successful That Your Loser Ass Friends Don’t Do. | by Tim Denning | | Medium

Good Losers Go On To Become Successful (

Understand Your Privilege and Use it for Good | UCL Department of Chemical Engineering – UCL – University College London

‘I didn’t choose to be straight, white and male’: are modern men the suffering sex? | Gender | The Guardian

Do You Have A Fear Of Vulnerability? How To Learn To Be Open With Others | ReGain

Bad Parenting: Signs, Effects, and How to Change It (

Exercise is Not a Punishment, It’s a Privilege –

Exercise is a Privilege! | Community | Fitness Blender

99% of Networking Is a Waste of Time (

The Network Is Everything (

Networking is everything in business  – Proakatemian esseepankki

Abuse And Neglect: How Broken Children Become Broken Women | ReGain

Broken Children Become Broken Adults – Friends of the Children’s Justice Center of Maui (

Matthew 6:4 so that your giving may be in secret. And your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. (

Matthew 6:3 But when you give to the needy, do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing, (

Luke 8:17 For there is nothing hidden that will not be disclosed, and nothing concealed that will not be made known and brought to light. (


end the cycle of blame, prefrence is a priviledge, on a budget, I know better, blame-shifting, punished the same way, sanctity of life is bad and not good, moving past resentment, make it less neccessary, on your own, networking connections opportunties, you like what you like, there’s nothing wrong with who you are, what is wrong with me i don’t want to do anything, developmental psychology, what are you willing to do to achieve your goals, I understand I just don’t agree, no one to tell me, no guaidiance, entitled, be you own parent, parent left me, expected rather than appreciated, victims feel safer when the offender is removed from the classroom, removing my past, using the poor as an example of what not to do, using an example of deterrance, ashamed of being rich, surroundings represent you, genes are your abiility to change when enviornment causes that change using the priviledge of the genes, clean record, tricking the poor, attracting too much attention, awkward moment, expect the unexpeted, a completely different society, I don’t like discussing my plans, where do feelings come from, do it when they are not the best, be humble, how to use, times change, needs change, goals change, first line of defense, capital punishment is a form of blood sacrifice, seems so fake, I don’t want to keep it a secret, i am moral, so much has changed since you’ve been away, admitting your feelings, accept that it’s over quotes, accept that it was a past of your past and it will forever be, a salute to you, do it before you catch feelings, i am not allowed to have feelings, secure yours first, worshipping people, crying is a privilege, crying is allowed, messing with development, what do i need right now, not what i need right now, not helping, admit it early on as soon as you see it, gaining information, it’ll come, from the comfort of your home, Past life regression – Wikipedia, allow them to fail, I like him (Ben Shapiro) as an internet personality, perfection is possible, accept the fact that you are not a perfect robot, real feelings, feelings are real, reality vs. feelings, feelings are a part of reality, basic psychology, basic arguments, arguments and fallicies, requirements for education, psychological needs are a priviledge, failure is a part of learning, you need to rest, deserving of, make life fair, not by choice but by circumstance, human is a form figurative language itself, concluding the considered information too early, find the right words, i hate vulnerability, easily accessible, start being a man, was down but now better, don’t be taken advantage of, go down to go up, perfection is demoralizing, you have to know what it feels like, low self-esteem, my world, anything can change, I know better, grey area, always ready, be frugal, don’t focus on others, ignore others, others aren’t a necessity, control your mind, coddled by parents, as long as I know what I am doing is right I don’t care, stop thinking and living for others, living life on autopilot, educate yourself, thinking past yourself, scarfices were made, thinking past death, hyperfocused, breaking point, I’m not a doctor, withholding access, limits of compassion, therotical feelings, deserving compassion, don’t focus upon it, limits of understanding, set limits on what you’re open to learn, bad is good and good is bad, refedining good and bad, death penalty for betrayal, the concept of a second family, retributive instinct, couldn’t have done it without you, know what you need to transition for a better life, relationship between variable, made for productivity, don’t get too attached, know your worth, millions of people like you, you are not special, what I wish I had known when I was younger, don’t listen to your parents, clueless parents, modeling behavior, find your passion, not something I am proud of, how long do i have to wait to move on, prisoner of war, get out of that box, know your privilege, the study of morality, privilege to be alive, no job is beneath you, parents taking care of basic needs, secure your first, don’t ashamed for being a momma’s boy, you must be vulerable to be strong, the more strong one is the more coddled one is, follow the crowd, i hate showing vulnerability, educate yourself, learning maturity, put my own life on the line, trust your instincts, cross my heart and hope to die, get organized and stay organized, we are the ones doing the hard work, having needs met in a relationship, emotional needs are real, psychological needs are real, school is a distraction, home is a safe haven, keeping things private makes me feel better (If only others did the same and not flaunt their LinkedIn profiles), never underestimate the power of a girl with a book, how to stand out in a world where there are millions of people just like you, crying is a privilege, crying in private, settle it on the court, i don’t deserve you, wait till I deserve you, keep it plain and simple, follow your instincts, what you do in private will be rewarded in public, validate someones feelings by ackwonledging that they are real, not going back, take initiative, secret drug addict, kids how have it better off than I do make me jealous and mad, talk to me about your feelings, not something that should be understood, limits of undertanding,

There has to be a breaking point to where one says, okay, I need to stop learning and observing and intervene.

I think the only validadity of the death penalty is if it’s used in self-defense, and not as a punishment; When you are given the choice to not use punishing and rather rehabilitating.

There are only a limited number of possibilties that can occur when you don’t know the answer to something

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