Freethought Notes – Documented 2/13/2022

This costs my sanity

What would you do if u were God?

‘People are moving on with their lives’: is the end of Omicron in …

Watch: Students Forced to Destroy Own Smartphones After Bringing Them To Class

Fear of Moving Forward – Experience Life

Overcoming the Fear of Loss: 5 Steps to Get Unstuck

The Psychology of Self-Improvement: Why It’s So Difficult To Change

Banning the Type of Police Raids That Killed Amir Locke Is Just a Start


once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, neutral injustice, I wish I could forget you; I wish I knew how, contradict, nature do its thing, Colin Kaepernick, I went back but went forward and sustained where I was, next time visit gym regardless of the fact that the car may not be here all of the time, moral fiber definition, come to stay, just for today, narrow way, stop sticking with one thing, using analogies, go many things I haven’t seen, I’d rather die, in the medium between voluntary and involuntary, what keeps you from dying and what keeps you from living to the max and prioritizing only yourself, I hate (…needing to perform/practice…) patience, moral injury, why wait, nobody needs obstacles, user interface of life, moral user interface, urgent can’t wait card, welcome to the real world, predatory loans, unregulated, personal trainer, be your own personal trainer, I need a personal trainer, I need external motivation to, notes requires sacrifice, blood sacrifice, replace use music as go to no other choice, oh so now you need me, difference between good and great, difference between good and evil, second trial, learned via bad faith, until I die, do yourself a favor and forgive, murderers walk free, don’t know don’t care, how do we prevent this from happening again, left a scar, if you’re going to do something do it right, I hate regulating it, I don’t know where to draw the line, be free, demands of this world, I need help from others, God is just a word, impossible feelings, impossible morality, illusion of possibilities, I learned something new, baby elephant syndrome, laugh at it you’re part of it, behind in life, it should be illegal to, make it possible to, unregulated dopamine, social media (like drugs) should be regulated due to its harmful effects, deter even merely thinking about it, wrong to think about it, program your life not vice versa, working against the clock, people things, working against yourself, work against me, my phone is working against me, doctors can’t give access to drugs unless need be, opioid overdose, moral law definition, drugs that need to be regulated, drugs that need monitoring, mistakes give you experience, give me something to do, lack of responsibilities, laziness, blame yourself, blame the parents, blame the contributors, the purpose of law, punishment=/= deterrence, purpose of justice is self-fulfilling, remove this scum from the face of the earth, say one thing do another, white lie necessary evils, I need time to rest, don’t wait too long or the energy will be gone, plan b, backup plan, something to fall back upon, social safety net, theory into practice, calm down, society is an illusion, stop making a big deal out of it, it’s just death, security is an illusion, illusion of security, security is an individuals’ right to control, moral psychology, power of touch, public access, jump scare, there is no end in sight to mastering life, no rush, applied science, juris doctor, never forget the workers who make it possible for you to enjoy such a convenience, life isn’t fair and just, sources, forget me, productive, lasting mark, morally disturbed (bg, mxr, wrestling, never compromise on quality, smart glasses, anti-school, anti-formal education, fix yourself first, no other way, you can’t cheat God, cheat the system, honorable discharge, don’t lose me, be conservative with your money, be conservative in what you send, spend the present remembering the past, better safe than sorry, lost cause, lost purpose in life, stuck in life, stuck in love, move on, stuck in the middle, stuck=attached, scared to move on, trust is a necessary evil and must be kept to a bare minimum at least, only thing I know, unattractive, military as a family, I will never kill, last resort, self-defense, cost too much morals, cost my sanity, afraid to lose, why are some things just naturally embarrassing, n* and unafraid, children sentenced to death, justice for families, immoral thoughts, arrested development, brand loyalty, common characteristics amongst death row inmates, expect moral actions, I get mad I am only human, balance between bad and good, balance of nature, Serenity, abuse of responsibilities, need cell phone not smart phone, Warren Buffett humble house, making laws about teaching, criminals can’t comprehend justice, bad version of me, unexpected learning, how do you know when to stop, safe word, decide under pressure, unfair, not trying, graduate, changing mind past [nsfw] seeing, deceiving desires, learning the hard way [nsfw], it can wait, don’t come crying to me, missing note, conducting research, keep in touch, ready to let go, some things are good, pharmacy drugs, always going to be that person, internet should be regulated, immoral desire, forced to live, educated women, contribute, only happens under what conditions, iphone turned on, set on track for life, you would never think, I don’t attack defenseless peoples, you did enough, some idiom I forgot, get it over with, celebrate, rewarding bad behavior, drug regulation, rather be alive, pro-life hoodseters, never have to decide between food or clothes, overexaggerated effects, military police, feelings towards soldiers, how does it work = how does it change, withholding curiosity is making me more curious, assimilation, people tingz, relationship to ideas, a cond. ad I watched a long time ago, people don’t talk about stats curiosity, replace use music as go to no other choice, the way the define the problem is the problem, focusing on the problems you’re creating, allowed to be mad, producing feelings of ease or security, capital punishment for child abusers, magical feelings, targeting the cause (it all started when), go slow, wish you harm, express anger, productive expression of anger, purpose of feelings, feelings never come voluntarily, sandbox games, law make moral, purpose of law, illegal thoughts, lesser evils, nature of badness, to be is to want to be, pursuing, study the usage of words, time passes constantly so change what you want or sustain what you want, adults only church, fiber, regulating church services, I wish I could type as fast as I think, all of this for your glory, the three pigs, public safety, feelings wheel, emotional conditions, The Ant and the Grasshopper, The Little Red Hen, moral motivation, on wings like eagles, literary devices in the bible, studying the bible vs. taking it personally, real love, what is keeping you from murdering others, wasting life trying to find out why, no one knows, for the sake of it, fire dying out, Christopher bell john boozman, conservapedia, time for play, refrain from, stop making me, you don’t have to be crazy to work here, trump demands penalty, constantly learning, take a break, not within my power, consider, real trust, trust is required to live, real world, safe and sound, fight for this country, life is back and forth, the cycle of hurting and healing, thank teachers, military service should be mandatory, thank veterans senators, just wanted to let you know, normal people, public health, sanctity of money, dignity, pain becomes pleasure, loosen yourself, need religion, can’t afford to lose, moral conscience, used as a reminder, values, say one thing do the next, moral superiority, the question isn’t who is going to let me, Marxian economics, my entire life is bad faith, there is no such thing as a society, preventable death, go out to, I’ve never heart his voice, nature of the job, encounter, rewarding intellectualism, I don’t care about the rules, I won’t let you do, use God as moral motivation, keep being mad, moral s*, fair and just, honor killings, moral urgency, social media, not my words, hating people who aren’t like you, served in the military, too much success, home situation, working to improve, are teachers supporters of the military, thank me later, Americanism exceptionalism, study history to understand the present, productive, obstacles, society isn’t natural, handed to him, society isn’t for me, from my shoes, give me a reason, unclear, cheating doesn’t pay, veto power, public access, regulating morality, in principle, goal, unconditional theoretically, using words, in a perfect world, still alive following moral standards, keep public moral, cults that are alive today, penal, deterrence, self-defense, used as a threat, what scares you does not scare me, get basic down first, drug regulation, learn for the sake of learning, to learn means to change, served in the military, perfect life, moral motivation, not-s* but used as moral motivation, keep it a secret, internet regulation is a form of drug regulation, act like smart people, conducting tests, underestimate, opportunities, I don’t want to see you succeed, jail, prioritize school work, goodness is turning the bad into the good, average soldier, safe curiosity, invest in, fiber, moral as an adjective, man-to-man, seeing everyone else move on in life, neurosurgeon, most of my life is wasted searching for the way, kingliness, the why is the how, why do you have to be so special,

The ‘why’ will guide the ‘what’ and the ‘how’

We are distracted from distraction by distraction, filled with fancies and empty of meaning. This is what is formally known as a rabbit hole.


I don’t care about the rules. In fact, if I don’t break the rules at least 10 times in every song then I’m not doing my job properly.

Jeff Beck

Before you heal a man, make sure he’s ready to let go of the thing that is hurting him. Love-hate relationship. Can be used for good and or bad.

If not now, when will I study the grey area privates

Towards the private material: laugh at it, okay to surf and use as laughing material nsfw

About the private contents: I was planning on getting it all nice and then delete it to disappoint myself

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By ‘immoral thinking’, I do not mean thinking about immoral actions. No, what is meant is having thoughts that cause one to be less than ideally happy or are not conducive to the project of reducing suffering. These could be thoughts of a kind that fester anger and hatred inside of you, or memories that evoke sadness, or regret.


Life Is Back and Forth

Moral Conscience

President Bobby Jindal Would Spend More Money On Defense

15 ‘BobbyJindalIsSoWhite’ Memes That’ll Make You Go ‘Enough Internet For The Day’

What works for you may not work for (Gen)Me: Limitations of present leadership theories for the new generation

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